Backblaze vs. Google Cloud Storage - Which Offers Better Cloud-based Backup Services?

July 11, 2022

Backblaze vs. Google Cloud Storage: Which is the Superior Cloud-based Backup Service?

When it comes to backing up your valuable data, it's essential to find a cloud-based solution that is reliable, secure, and user-friendly. With so many options available today, however, navigating the world of cloud-based backup services may seem overwhelming. In this blog post, we'll compare two popular options: Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage, to help you make an informed decision.

1. Pricing

Pricing is one of the most crucial factors to consider when evaluating cloud-based backup services. Both Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage offer competitive pricing and flexible plans, but, here's how they compare:

Backblaze offers unlimited backup for a fixed fee of $60 per year per computer. This pricing model is simple and affordable for users who need to backup large amounts of data across multiple computers. On the contrary, Google Cloud Storage offers a flexible "pay-as-you-go" pricing system. This pricing model can be more cost-effective for users who don't require unlimited backup space.

Conclusion: Backblaze wins the pricing game with its flat annual subscription for unlimited data backup.

2. Security

Security is a top concern for most individuals and businesses when considering cloud-based storage solutions. Backblaze employs several security measures, such as encrypting data both in transit and at rest, and storing data in multiple data centers. Additionally, Backblaze offers two-factor authentication for enhanced security. Google Cloud Storage, on the other hand, offers security features such as encryption in transit and at rest, access control, and advanced security features like data loss prevention and Identity and Access Management.

Conclusion: Both Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage have robust security measures in place, so this round is a tie.

3. Ease of Use

Backup services need to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Backblaze's backup client has a user-friendly interface that makes it intuitive to use. It also offers customizable settings such as scheduling, bandwidth usage, and file exclusions. Google Cloud Storage has an easy-to-use web interface that lets you upload, download, and manage your data easily. It also provides integration with other Google services such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos.

Conclusion: Both Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage offer user-friendly interfaces, making it easy to manage and access your data.

4. Storage Options

When it comes to storage options, Google Cloud Storage offers more options than Backblaze. Google Cloud Storage offers low-cost storage tiers such as Nearline and Coldline, which provide long-term storage of data that's infrequently retrieved. Additionally, Google Cloud Storage provides regional storage, multi-regional storage, and dual-regional storage options. On the other hand, Backblaze only offers one unlimited storage option, which makes it a better choice for users with large amounts of data to back up.

Conclusion: Google Cloud Storage offers more storage options than Backblaze, providing greater flexibility to users.

5. Availability and Reliability

When it comes to availability and reliability, Google Cloud Storage has an advantage over Backblaze. Google Cloud Storage offers industry-leading uptime service level agreements (SLAs) of up to 99.99%, which guarantees that your data is always available. Additionally, Google offers advanced tools and solutions such as global load balancing and auto-scaling capabilities that enhance availability and scalability. Backblaze, on the other hand, offers an uptime of 99.9%, which is still reliable.

Conclusion: Google Cloud Storage takes the cake on this one with its industry-leading uptime SLAs and advanced availability tools.


After considering all factors, it's clear that both Backblaze and Google Cloud Storage offer excellent cloud-based backup services. Backblaze is a great choice for users who need unlimited storage at a flat annual fee, while Google Cloud Storage is a better fit for users who prefer more flexible pricing options and world-class availability and reliability. Ultimately, the choice comes down to your unique needs and budget.

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